Industrial Expansion

Congratulations! You have received the green light to move forward on an industrial expansion project at your facility. The expansion may be to improve your facility or create more space. Either way, Rindt-McDuff Associates (RMA) engineering consultants have over 40-years experiencing helping industrial plants with the following expansion projects:

  1. A Land Study or Where to Build Expansion
  2. Environmental Studies
  3. Building Design
  4. Operational and Maintenance Cost
  5. Increases to Efficiency and Production Capability

Rindt-McDuff Associates Helps Client’s Plan Their Industrial Expansion

RMA can help you achieve a successful industrial expansion project.  Our experienced engineers work collaboratively with your team to design your project to your vision.  Below are some of the ways we can help you navigate through the process:

  1. Preliminary Expansion Project Alternatives
  2. Detailed Cost Estimates
  3. Assistance with Concept Presentation for Decision Makers
  4. Required Permits
  5. Detailed Design Plans and Specifications
  6. Bid Documents and Construction Contracts

By having RMA as a member of your team you can successfully complete your expansion project.

RMA Industrial Expansion Service Sectors:

RMA has many years of experience assisting clients with industrial expansions. Typical service sectors include:

What’s Next?

Please click below to speak with one of our experts about your next expansion project.  We would appreciate the opportunity to get involved.